Worship Services

Anyone can come along to any of our services. You do not need to be a member of the Scottish Episcopal or indeed any church to come along and join in our services. Most of our services include communion the sharing of bread and wine (currently suspended) we do this to remember Jesus’ final meal before his death and resurrection.

Our service uses contemporary language with seasonal and topical liturgies and a mix of traditional and modern hymns.

After most services we meet together over coffee and tea for fellowship.

Our Sunday services are mostly led by our priest, Revd Kirstin Freeman, with our Lay Reader, Ray Gascogine leading the Ministry of the Word (the first half of the service). When Kirstin isn’t available, Ray leads the service from the Reserved Sacrament.

On Sunday we meet at 10.30 am on the first Sunday of the Month, 10am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, and at 10.30am at St Paul and St John, Airdrie on the 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month.

On a Thursday our service is at 10.30am in the Lady Chapel. The Lady Chapel is also open during other services as a quiet space to pray or light a candle should you wish to.