Prayer is central to any life of faith. Taking our thanksgivings and concerns to God can help us both in our spiritual journey and in our life in general. All our services include times of prayer, private prayer before, after and during the service. And times of corporate prayer when we pray together the same words.
Putting aside a time for prayer each day is a good practice to try and establish. You may not always know what to pray, Jesus and St Paul, both tell us that there will be such times. At those times we can simply take time to be still and aware of the world around us, of God’s presence, and of our own breathing.
You might wish to take a moment to pray now, listen to the video below and as the sound of the gong fades be led into the stillness where prayer can be wordless, follow formal prayers, or flow with the Spirit. Below the video you will find some prayers and reflections which you may wish to use.
There is Beauty in the brokenness, There is Healing in the hopelessness, There is Light in the darkness, There is Joy in the sadness, There is Love in the sorrowfulness, There is Peace in the restlessness.
Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and made us in your own image: teach us to discern your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children; through Jesus Christ who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things, now and for ever. Amen.
from SEC Alternative Collects
The Lords’ Prayer (Aramaic version)
Beloved Father, who fills all realms; May You be honoured in me. Let your divine rule come now; Let Your will come true in all the universe, in the heavens, and on earth.
Give us all that we need for each day, and untangle the knots of unforgiveness that bind us within; As we also let go of the guilt of others
Let us not be lost in superficial things, but let us be free from that what keeps us from our true purpose from You comes all rule, the strength to act, and the song that beautifies all; From Age to Age. Amen.
May the babe of Bethlehem be yours to tend. May the boy of Nazareth be yours for friend. May the man of Galilee his healing hand send. May the Christ of Calvary his courage lend. May the Risen Lord his promise send and his holy angels defend you to the end.
All shall be Amen and Alleluia,
St Augustine
We shall rest and we shall see,
We shall see and we shall know,
We shall know and we shall love,
We shall love and we shall praise,
Behold our end which is no end.
God most holy, we give you thanks for bringing us out of the shadow of night into the light of morning; and we ask you for the joy of spending this day in your service, so that when evening comes, we may once more give you thanks and praise, through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.
From Scottish Episcopal Church Daily Prayer
Free me from all fear of the future, from all anxiety about today, from all bitterness towards anyone, from all cowardice in the face of oppression, from all laziness when we might help other, from all failure to champion injustice, from all weakness, to follow where you lead. Fill me with love that knows no barrier, with sympathy that reaches to all, with courage that cannot be shaken, with faith strong enough for the darkness, with strength sufficient for my tasks, with loyalty to your will, with wisdom to meet life's complexities, with power to lift my eyes up to You!
Goodness is stronger than evil;
Desmond Tutu
Love is stronger than hate;
Light is stronger than darkness;
Life is stronger than death;
Victory is ours through Him who loves us.